Certifications of Performance Excellence to Diamantides Yachting

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  • Certifications of Performance Excellence to Diamantides Yachting

Diamantides Yachting Ltd received an international certification of performance excellence from the independent body IQNet, following the evaluation of all its activities. The evaluation focused on the effectiveness and efficiency of operations and specifically on the human-centered nature of the services that strengthens the Group’s credibility. The certification by the international body IQNET is an important distinction and is a milestone in the upward trajectory of Diamantides Yachting.

At the same time, the Cypriot company also received the Certified Quality Management System ISO 9001:2005 certification for the management and quality control system, the best practices and services as well as the products it provides to the customer network.

Both certifications are a recognition of the company’s strategic development and its commitment to operational quality.

Diamantides Yachting was founded in Cyprus in 2002 and is a leading player in the management of private yachts with the know-how, expertise and professionalism that have placed the Limassol Company on the world map within twenty years.

ISO 9000 standards have been developed as application and operation protocols of organizations and the satisfaction of the management of Diamantides Yachting for the successful result of the team is significant. IQNET Partners’ global certification activities include more than 360,000 valid management system certificates, issued in almost every country in the world, making the IQNET network the most trusted network of certification bodies in the world (approximately one fifth of all management system certificates were collectively issued by IQNET Partners).

For more information: https://diamantidesyachting.com/iso/